Fully responsive, mobile optimised web sites built on WordPress

  • Fully responsive, bespoke designed web sites built on the world-leading WordPress platform
  • Fully featured e-commerce sites with online payment
  • Additional functionality delivered through a combination of commercial and developed plugins
Working with you to generate a totally bespoke web site design that matches your current look and feel or that of a brand that we have developed.

We build websites using WordPress. We will install WordPress and tailor it in-line with your design brief by implementing a Theme that incorporates the required; fonts, logos, icons, colours and imagery. We can also incorporate the required functionality using plugins such as; an online shop, event management and payment, member database, secure area, mailing functionality and or calendar if required.

Built on WordPress
WordPress accounts for 50% to 60% of all Content Managed Websites worldwide and 36% of the entire internet is powered by WordPress. This means that a huge community of developers has grown up to provide extra functionality or design for the WordPress environment. For more specialist requirements, our software engineers can develop bespoke modules to address specific needs.

Your website is built on OpenSource software – WordPress and various Plugins. running on a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) environment. We add value via our bespoke design and the unique way we develop the site (our IP).

We hope to maintain you as a customer for the long-run but, assuming your account is in good order, in line with our Terms, at the end of our Agreement, we can provide you with a copy of the files and database and you would be free to host and manage the site anywhere you wanted. You would need to enter into a licence agreement for the various plugins with the authors.

  • Step 1: Identify opportunities

    We work with you to understand your business objectives and the competitive environment taking account of the current challenges and opportunities they present and how they impact on your overall strategy to identify opportunities.

  • Step 2: Develop the plan

    We develop a comprehensive plan bases on our analysis that feeds into your the business objectives short-term, mid-term and the longer view. Early engagement with stakeholders within the process creates buy-in improves adoption.

  • Step 3: Implement and execute

    Once we have costed and agreed the plan, we can work with you to provide agency services, work with your in-house team or instruct and work alongside existing agencies to deliver services. Post-campaign analysis feeds back into planning.