5 Ways to Strengthen Your Brand on Social Media
How many times a day do you check your social media accounts? We’re guessing you’re like most people, and it’s more than a few. And chances are, you follow the brands that you love on social media too. However, did you know that there is such a thing as managing your brand on social media? If not, this blog is for you! Here are 5 tips to get started with branding yourself on social media.
Update social media regularly
Update your social media platforms regularly with relevant content. Create great content that informs, entertains, and provides valuable information. This is an opportunity for your readers and followers to get involved in your brand by sharing it with their networks.
To make sure you don’t overwhelm people with updates, be selective about what posts you share.
Know who you’re talking to
The first step in figuring out what you want to say is knowing who you are talking to. What do they like? What are their goals? Do they have similar interests? All of these questions can be answered by doing research. For example, if you’re working for a London-based company with an office in Newcastle, then your audience will be from both locations so keep it relevant. Knowing what topics they would enjoy will help with deciding which platforms and strategies to use when building your brand online.
Use emojis sparingly ?
For starters, don’t make all of your posts with emojis. If you post with emojis in every message, it’ll be hard for people to know what you’re really trying to say because they might not understand what each symbol means. Make sure that when you do use an emoji, it’s used for something specific or is necessary for context.
Another best practice is to make sure that you have enough variety in your emoji usage. It can be tempting to just default back to one or two favourites but if you want users who see them more than once to keep reading, change it up! Change up which symbols you use and which words they go with so people don’t get bored.
Be careful with hashtags
A cautionary tale: if you’re new to hashtags, be careful about what terms you use. Be especially wary of trending topics that have negative connotations; it’s easy for your brand’s post to get lost in that stream.
Let’s look at how Nike did it right. Instead of inserting their product into popular #BlackLivesMatter related hashtags, they had black celebrities and professional athletes tweet out their own slogan with the hashtag #justdoit to promote their products.
Create Different Content Types
Having different content types can make it easier for your target market to find what they are looking for on your social media page. By creating different pages, you can tailor each page for its specific audience. You should create Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram (if applicable) posts in addition to email newsletters and blogs.
A Facebook post is perfect for more personalized messages that may be appropriate for friends and family.
Twitter has traditionally been used as an easy way for celebrities and companies to connect with their fans and followers. These short updates offer fans important news about products, events or personal experiences.
LinkedIn might be your best bet if you’re trying to attract business leads by promoting your services. It’s also useful for professionals looking to network and add connections within their industry.
Whatever your approach to social media, make sure anything you say or do is consistent with your core brand values and personality.